Climate Risk Services

We make organisations climate-smart and nature-positive.

All change comes with risks and opportunities, and that includes climate change as well as environmental change.​ Identifying and responding to these is the key to securing your organisation's future.

Climate Risk Services provides products and services that help financial institutions and corporates accelerate the transition to a greener world by addressing real-world adaptation and implementation challenges.​

Let us know how we can help you become climate-smart and nature positive.

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Anticipate the impacts of physical risks.​

Portfolio and Transaction Scans

Our analytics platform makes climate data accessible and interactive climate data, including comprehensive science-based risk scoring to help you understand your exposure to physical hazards, their likelihood, and their potential impacts. We are currently integrating nature-related data.

Our platform is optimised for financial institutions managing large investment portfolios, and corporates performing risk assessments for their production sites and supply chain.

We assist in ensuring business continuity by addressing the growing risks posed by extreme weather hazards.

    Physical Risks Global Explorer map

    14 Physical Hazards

    Understand physical risks for countries, provinces or address level data.

    Create custom zones to produces statistically backed x

      Upto 1km by 1km Resolution

      Quickly evaluate opportunities

        Navigate the complexities of the green transition.​

        We assist organisations in engaging with climate and nature related issues, developing climate-resilient and nature-positive strategies, and exploring plausible transition pathways. Our insights cover a range of risks, including reputational, technological, legal and market disruptions.

        We empower you to make future-proof decisions.

          Meet compliance and disclosure requirements.​

          We assist organisations in achieving regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions where they operate, and ensure alignment with industry-standard disclosure frameworks, such as the TCFD and TNFD recommendations. Our expertise covers climate stress testing, carbon accounting, EU taxonomy implications, ISO 14091 specifications and other implementation challenges.​

          We help you navigate the rapidly evolving world of climate and nature related regulations and standards.​

            Stay up to date with best practices.​

            Our team comprises sector and domain experts with on-the-ground experience in real-world challenges that organisations face while engaging with climate and nature related issues.

            We embed climate and nature risk within organisations, aligning everything from strategic decision-making to day-to-day processes with science-based targets.

              Maturity Assessment​

              We offer benchmarking assessments to determine your organisational readiness to meet regulatory requirements and disclosure standards.

              Read more

              Portfolio & Asset Scan​

              Our analytics map the best available scientific data into actionable risk scores, identifying assets at risk in your portfolio.

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              Scenarios & Strategy

              We facilitate scenario planning and strategy formation to help you maintain business continuity across various transition pathways.​

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              Trainings & Capacity Building

              We offer bespoke training to embed climate and nature risk into key processes, empowering teams to adopt effective operational practices.​

              Read more

              Be part of the climate solution.​

              We have experience working with clients in the international financial sector, including emerging markets, as well as helping corporates in various sectors such as mining, agriculture, and food & beverages. Join our growing list of partners today!​

                Interested to learn more? Drop us an email and start your climate journey today!​

                Gerhard Mulder

                Co-founder & CEO

                Stephanie Gnissios

                Co-founder & COO

                Pekka Piirainen

                Head of Product
                Contact us

                We make organisations climate-smart and nature-positive.

                Copyright © 2023 Climate Risk Services