Climate Risk Services

Transforming Climate Data into Actionable Insights

We have now done this work for you.

To meet the best practice standard (based on IPCC guidance and central banks), a physical climate risk assessment requires climate hazard data as well as sensitivity data on how certain economic activities are impacted by this climate hazard.

This is what the European Central Bank observed as a good practice:

An institution assigns a sensitivity score from very low to very high to each sector taking into consideration the vulnerability of the specific economic activities (e.g. power generation) to a physical vulnerability (e.g. drought). It does so by geography, creating a sector-geography matrix of impact scores. It subsequently maps its exposures to the associated matrix and adds up its exposures to produce a first heat map.

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Physical risk data

Our world class data sets include physical risk scores for countries and provinces. We cover all countries in the world and all provinces based on the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM). Our climate data is compiled from a variety of authoritative sources, including government agencies such as NASA, Meteorological Offices, as well as research institutes and academic institutions. Where available we have incorporated the latest CMIP6 climate model data.

We have also scored the sensitivity of all NACE-2 sectors to each of the physical climate hazards. This comprehensive dataset assesses a total of 82 x 14 = 1148 unique relationships. Combining both datasets will allow you to develop detailed heatmaps of exposures anywhere in the world for any of the 82 NACE-2 sectors and 14 different climate hazards. For bespoke portfolios, for example a renewable energy portfolio, we offer the option to apply customised sensitivities.

For insurance companies we can develop bespoke datasets that will allow you to map liabilities to climate hazards. For example, we can develop datasets that will determine a relationship between heat stress and mortality.

    Create custom dashboards

    The data-only option will allow you to create your own dashboards by mapping exposures to the sector-geography matrix. Data will be delivered in excel format.

    • 14 hazards
    • 4 time periods (current - 2100)
    • Mean and maximum scores (countries and provinces)
    • RCP8.5

    Transition risk data

    Our transition risk modules are based on NGFS scenarios and IMF data. By combining multiple datasets, we provide climate policy risk scores per sector/country pair.

    We currently only offer this data in excel format. Our dataset covers the following TCFD transition risk categories:

    • Policy and legal
    • Market
    • Technology
    • Reputation

    NACE-2 - 82 Industry classifications sensitivity scores

    The NACE codes are a standard classification system of similar European industries based on economic activity. We identified 82 economic activities based on the NACE code and analyzed the sensitivities of each of these activities to each of the climate hazards we cover. By combining the two you can determine sector/geography based risk scores. The NACE scores can be mapped to other industry classification systems such as the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

    • NACE-2 82 industry classifications sensitivity scores
    • 14 physical hazards
    • 1148 unique sector/hazard scores
    • Based on IPCC and ISO 14901 approach to climate risk assessments

    Portfolio scan

    This analysis is useful for financial institutions who want to understand climate risk concentrations in their loan or investment portfolio. We combine our global physical hazard data and NACE 2 sector sensitivity scores with your exposure data to provide risk concentrations per hazard, location, sector, and different combinations thereof. These can be use to identify materiality thresholds in your portfolio. The portfolio scan also includes transition risk. It will assess risk concentrations based on the TCFD transition risk categories.

    To perform this analysis we require exposure data from your institution. We will provide a detailed template and instructions on how to collect this data.

    • Risk concentrations in loan or investment portfolio
    • Physical risk and transition risk
    • Loan level risk scores
    • Up to 1 million data rows

    Agriculture risk data

    This dataset is based on the Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) modelling framework developed by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). It provides detailed impacts of the climate risk on crop yields per country and per province.

    • 50 crops
    • 3 time periods (current - 2100)
    • Mean and maximum scores (countries and provinces)
    • RCP8.5

    Contact us

    Cannot find what you are looking for? Set up a call with us to discuss your data needs and we can see how we can help!

    For the data only option, we provide additional support at a rate of EUR 250 per hour. For platform access, we provide various data cleaning and other support services at fixed prices. We can supply a price list upon request. Technical support is always available and is included in the subscription fee.

      Gerhard Mulder

      Co-founder & CEO

      Pekka Piirainen

      Head of Product
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